Digital Marketing encompasses so much. Some of the main areas are content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and influencer marketing. So many “marketing” phrases, who does the average small business keep it all straight? Digital marketing...
Empathize with your Audience No matter if you are a small business or a large corporation, your messaging needs to change in a crisis. Be it a Hurricane, something we are all too familiar with, or a pandemic like we face now, people are adversely impacted. ...
As Florida slowly starts to open up their doors again; businesses need to accelerate the return of customers while also generating new customers along the way. Educating the public that you are open for business and that your business is clean and safe for them...
For small businesses, resources can be tight. Not just now during the pandemic, but even in the best of circumstances, small businesses struggle to maintain consistent marketing spend. It is a catch-22. You need more brand awareness resulting in more customers and...
The world has changed; there is a new normal. Are the days of customers browsing our stores over? When that version of normal returns is somewhat up in the air right now. One thing that is becoming more clear with each passing day of “voluntold” social...
As we face such unique and uncertain times, being a small business owner is not the ideal career. We, here at ASEB consulting, wish we had all of the answers or a magic plan that could guide you through this pandemic. The truth is, we do not. What we do have is years...